

I’m Annie!



Just popping in to give you a friendly reminder that asking questions, using critical thinking, and questioning the narrative is something we should all be doing. And then remembering that we live in America - land of the free, home of the brave.
No one cares more about your family and your health than YOU, my sweet friends. Take charge of it.

In case you didn’t know, or have forgotten, there is fluoride, chlorine, and pharmaceuticals in our water supply.
Petrochemicals, neurotoxic, immunotoxic, pesticides, artificial colorants, dyes, additives, emulsifiers, flavors, and excitotoxins in your food. (Or should that be “food” - yes, with sarcastic quotation marks.)
There are respiratory irritants and cancerous pollutants in your air, plus add in phthalates and endocrine disruptors in your personal care and cleaning products, plus bioaccumulative xenobiotics in your upholstery, clothes, furniture, carpet, mattresses, plus teflon-coated pans (and literally just about everything else.)
Childhood vaccines contain aluminum, formaldehyde, and aborted fetal tissue, just to name a few.
Black and Brown people have been experimented on by our government and “philanthropic” billionaires for
decades. (And are STILL fighting for equality and justice. 💔)
54% in the US have autoimmune and chronic disease issues.
At one time - the holocaust was legal, and those who hid Jews were criminals.
Slavery was legal, and those who freed them - criminals.
Segregation - legal. And if you stood up for equality and justice, you were also a criminal.
Pharmaceutical companies and our government regulatory agencies were responsible for Vioxx, and the opioid epidemic that is killing thousands and thousands of Americans, still.

But suddenly, we are supposed to believe that the government truly cares about our health, human decency, and morality.

Ask questions. Look at MULTIPLE sources. Ask yourself why things are being deleted and censored. Ask yourself why we are told to blindly trust the “science” - yet the science has flip flopped more times than I can count.
Believe doctors (but not that one.)
Believe science (but not that science.)
Believe women (but not that woman, especially if she aligns with *insert your political party*)
Believe scientists (oh, but not those scientists. We fired them for looking into things we didn’t want them too.)
Believe WHO (but not when they say something that doesn’t fit the narrative)
Believe mothers (but not ones who have vaccine injured children.)
Believe the media (but only *insert your preferred political party’s media*)

Guys, can we wake up now, ask questions, come to our own conclusions, respect our friends and family, love our fellow humans, and start changing the world for the BETTER now, instead of fighting?

Let’s change the world TOGETHER, because the government sure as HALE isn’t doing it for us.
